Ramakrishna Nannapaneni

Ramakrishna Nannapaneni

Research Professor

Office: 202 Herzer Bldg.

Mailing Address:

Box 9805
945 Stone Blvd.
Mississippi State, MS 39762


  • Postdoctoral, University of Arkansas
  • Ph.D., University of Stathclyde, UK
  • M.S., G.B.P.U. Agriculture & Technology, India
  • B.S., G.B.P.U. Agriculture & Technology, India

Research/Extension Areas:

  • Microbial stress adaptation and proteomics
  • Natural antimicrobials and emerging food processing technologies
  • Antimicrobial resistant subpopulations of foodborne bacterial pathogens
  • Integration of cultural, immunological and molecular diagnostic methods

Society Memberships:

  • American Society for Microbiology
  • Institute of Food Technologists
  • International Association for Food Protection


Bansal, M., N. Dhowlaghar, R. Nannapaneni, D. Kode, K.-C. Chang, W.-H. Cheng, T. Obe, A. Kiess. 2020. Factors affecting Listeria monocytogenes biofilm formation in food processing environments and its control. Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Science 65(3):267-282.

Obe, T., R. Nannapaneni, M. W. Schilling, L. Zhang, C. D. McDaniel, A. S. Kiess. 2020. Prevalence of Salmonella enterica on poultry processing equipment after completion of sanitization procedures. Poultry Science 99(9):4539-4548.  Download

Abeysundara, P., N. Dhowlaghar, R. Nannapaneni. 2019. Influence of cold stress on the survival of Listeria monocytogenes Bug600 and ScottA in lethal alkali, acid and oxidative stress. Food Science and Technology 100:40-47.  Download

Dhakal, J., C. S. Sharma, R. Nannapaneni, T. J. Kim, C. D. McDaniel, A. S. Kiess. 2019. Effect of chlorine induced oxidative stress on biofilm forming ability of Salmonella at different temperatures, nutrient conditions, and substrates. Journal of Food Protection 82:78-92.  Download

Bansal, M., R. Nannapaneni, C. S. Sharma, A. S. Kiess. 2018. Listeria monocytogenes response to sub-lethal chlorine induced oxidative stress on homologous and heterologous stress adaptation. Frontiers in Microbiology 9:2050.  Download

Dhowlaghar, N., M. W. Schilling, R. Nannapaneni. 2018. Strain differences of heat adapted Listeria monocytogenes cells exposed to carvacrol, alkali, H2O2 and lauric arginate (LAE). The Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences 63:309-314.

Dhowlaghar, N., P. D. Abeysundara, R. Nannapaneni, M. W. Schilling, S. Chang, W.-H. Cheng, C. S. Sharma. 2018. Biofilm formation by Salmonella spp. in catfish mucus extract under industrial conditions. Food Microbiology 70:172-180.  Download

Dhowlaghar, N., Q. Shen, P. Abeysundara, A. Jadhav, R. Nannapaneni, M. W. Schilling, W.-H. Cheng, C. S. Sharma. 2018. Differences in survival of heat stress adapted cells of Listeria monocytogenes EGD (Bug600) in disinfectants and in essential oils. The Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences 63:333-343.

Obe, T., R. Nannapaneni, C. S. Sharma, A. S. Kiess. 2018. Homologous stress adaptation, antibiotic resistance and biofilm forming ability of salmonella enterica serovar Heidelberg ATCC 8326 on different food-contact surfaces following exposure to sublethal chlorine concentrations. Poultry Science 97:951-961.  Download

Obe, T., R. Nannapaneni, C. S. Sharma, A. S. Kiess. 2018. Rugose morphotype of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium ATCC 14028 exhibits chlorine resistance and strong biofilm forming ability. International Journal of Poultry Science 17:295-305.  Download

Abeysundara, P. D., N. Dhowlaghar, R. Nannapaneni, M. W. Schilling, S. Chang, B. S. M. Mahmoud, C. S. Sharma, D.-P. Ma. 2017. Growth and biofilm formation by Listeria monocytogenes in cantaloupe flesh and peel extracts on four food-contact surfaces at 22 ℃C and 10 ℃C. Food Control 80:131-142.  Download

Moore, A., R. Nannapaneni, A. S. Kiess, C. S. Sharma. 2017. Evaluation of USDA approved antimicrobials on the reduction of salmonella and campylobacter in ground chicken frames and their effect on meat quality. Poultry Science 96(7):2385-2392. Download

Wu, Y., S. Chang, R. Nannapaneni, Y. Zhang, R. Coker, B. Mahmoud. 2017. The effects of X-ray treatments on bioaccumulated murine norovirus-1 (MNV-1) and survivability, inherent microbiota, color, and firmness of Atlantic oysters (Crassostrea virginica) during storage at 5 ℃C for 20 days. Food Control Part B 73:1189-1194. Download

Abeysundara, P., K. Soni, R. Nannapaneni, B. Mahmoud, C. Sharma. 2016. Induction and stability of oxidative stress adaptation in Listeria monocytogenes EGD (Bug600) and F1057 in sublethal concentrations of H2O2 and NaOH. International Journal of Food Microbiology 238:288-294.  Download

Mahmoud, B., R. Nannapaneni, S. Chang, R. Coker. 2016. Effect of X-ray treatments on Escherichia coli O157:H7, Listeria monocytogenes, Shigella flexneri, Salmonella enterica and inherent microbiota on whole mangoes. Letters in applied Microbiology 62: 138-144.  Download

Mahmoud, B.S.M., R. Nannapaneni, S. Change, Y. Wu, R. Coker. 2016. Improving the safety and quality of raw tuna fillets by X-ray irradiation. Food Control 60:569-574.  Download

Shen, Q., P. Pandare, K. Soni, R. Nannapaneni, B. Mahmoud, C. Sharma. 2016. Influence of temperature on alkali stress adaptation in Listeria monocytogenes. Food Control 62:74-80.  Download

Wu, Y., S. Chang, R. Nannapaneni, Z. Haque, R. Coker, B. Mahmoud. 2016. The efficacy of x-ray doses on murine norovirus-1 (MNV-1) in pure culture, half-shell oyster, salmon sushi, and tuna sala. Food Control 64:77-80.  Download

Mahmoud, B.S.M., S. Chang, Y. Wu, R. Nannapaneni, C. Sharma, R. Coker. 2015. Effect of X-ray treatments on Salmonella enterica and spoilage bacteria on skin-on chicken breast fillets and shell eggs. Food Control 57:110-114.  Download

Nair, D. V., A. S. Kiess, R. Nannapaneni, W. Schilling, C. S. Sharma. 2015. The combined efficacy of carvacrol and modified atmosphere packaging on the survival of Salmonella, Campylobacter jejuni and lactic acid bacteria on turkey breast cutlets. Food Microbiology 49:135-141.  Download

Saha, S., N. Dhowlaghar, A. Lawrence, R. Nannapaneni, C.S. Sharma, B.S.M. Mahmoud. 2015. Transmission electron microscopy study of Listeria monocytogenes Serotype 1/2a cells exposed to sublethal heat stres and carvacrol. Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences 60(3):300-304.

Sharma, C. S., J. Dhakal, R. Nannapaneni. 2015. Efficacy of lytic bacteriophage preparation in reducing salmonella in vitro, on turkey breast cutlets, and on ground turkey. Journal of Food Protection 78(7):1357-1362.  Download

Sukumaran, A. T. R., R. Nannapaneni, A. S. Kiess, C. S. Sharma. 2015. Reduction of Salmonella on chicken breast fillets stored under aerobic or modified atmosphere packaging by the application of lytic bacteriophage preparation SalmoFreshTM. Journal of Poultry Science 95(3):668-675.  Download

Sukumaran, A. T., R. Nannapaneni, A. S. Kiess, C. S. Sharma. 2015. Reduction of Salmonella on chicken meat and chicken skin by combined or sequential application of lytic bacteriophage with chemical antimicrobials. International Journal of Food Microbiology 207:8-15.  Download

Nair, D. V., R. Nannapaneni, A. S. Kiess, W. Schilling, C. S. Sharma. 2014. Reduction of Salmonella on turkey breast cutlets by plant-derived compounds. Foodborne Pathogens and Disease 11(12):981-987. Download

Nair, D., C.H. Sharma, R. Nannapaneni, B.S.M. Mahmoud. 2014. Antimicrobial efficacy of lauric arginate against Campylobacter jejuni and spoilage organisms on chicken breast fillets. Poultry Science 93:2636-2640.  Download

Oladunjoye, A., K. Soni, R. Nannapaneni, M.W. Schilling, J.L. Silva, W.B. Mikel, R.H. Bailey, B.S. Mahmoud, and C.S. Sharma. 2013. Synergistic Activity Between Lauric Arginate and Carvacrol in Reducing Salmonella species in Ground Turkey. Poultry Science, Vol. 92:1357-65.  Download

Sharma, C.S., A.C. Ates, P. Joseph, R. Nannapaneni, and A.S. Kiess. 2013. Reduction of Salmonella in Skinless Chicken Breast Fillets by Lauric Arginate Surface Application. Poultry Science, Vol. 92:1419-1424.  Download

Sharma, C.S., A.C. Ates, P. Joseph, R. Nannapaneni, K. Soni, M.W. Schilling, and A.S. Kiess. 2013. Evaluation of antimicrobial effects of lauric arginate on reduction of Salmonella spp. in ground chicken. International Journal of Food Science and Technology 48(7):1410-1415.  Download

Soni, K., A. Oladunjoye, R. Nannapaneni, M.W. Schilling, J.L. Silva, W.B. Mikel, and R.H. Bailey. 2013. Inhibition and inactivation of Salmonella Typhimurium biofilms from polystyrene and stainless steel surfaces by essential oils and phenolic constituent carvacrol. Journal of Food Protection 76(2):205-212. Download

Desai, M., K. Soni, R. Nannapaneni, M.W. Schilling, and J.L. Silva. 2012. Reduction of Listeria monocytogenes biofilms on stainless steel and polystyrene surfaces by essential oils. Journal of Food Protection 75:1332-1337.  Download

Desai, M., K. Soni, R. Nannapaneni, M.W. Schilling, and J.L. Silva. 2012. Reduction of Listeria monocytogenes in raw catfish fillets by essential oils and phenolic constituent carvacrol. Journal of Food Science 77(9):M516-M522.  Download

Nannapaneni, R. 2012. Methods for identification of bacterial foodborne pathogens. Pages 44-55 in O. Oyarzabal and S. Backert, editors, Microbial Food Safety: An Introduction. Springer, New York, NY.  Download

Soni, K., M. Desai, A. Oladunjoye, F. Skrobot, and R. Nannapaneni. 2012. Reduction of Listeria monocytogenes in queso fresco cheese by a combination of listericidal and listeriostatic GRAS antimicrobials. International Journal of Food Microbiology 155(1-2):82-88.  Download

Kim, T.J., M. Corbitt, J.L. Silva, D.S. Wang, Y. Jung, B. Spencer. 2011. Optimization of hot water treatment for removing microbial colonies on fresh blueberry surface. Journal of Food Science 76(6):M353-360.  Download

Soni, K., R. Nannapaneni, and T. Tasara. 2011. An overview of stress response proteomes in Listeria monocytogenes. Agriculture, Food and Analytical Bacteriology Journal 1(1):66-85.

Soni, K., R. Nannapaneni, T. Tasara. 2011. The contribution of transcriptomic and proteomic analysis in elucidating stress adaptation responses of Listeria monocytogenes. Foodborne Pathogens and Disease 8(8):843-852.  Download

Nannapaneni, R., O. Oyarzabal, S.C. Ricke, and M.G. Johnson. 2010. Advances in antibody-based technologies for Listeria monocytogenes. Pages 177-193 in S.C. Ricke and F.T. Jones, editors, Perspectives on Food Safety Issues of Food Animal Derived Foods. University of Arkansas Press, Fayetteville, Arkansas.

Nannapaneni, R., O. Oyarzabal, S.C. Ricke, and M.G. Johnson. 2010. Fluoroquinolone-resistant Campylobacter jejuni in raw poultry products. Pages 247-258 in S.C. Ricke and F.T. Jones, editors, Perspectives on Food Safety Issues of Food Animal Derived Foods. University of Arkansas Press, Fayetteville, Arkansas.

Sekhon, R., M.W. Schilling, T.W. Phillips, R.M. Aikins, M.M. Hasan, R. Nannapaneni, and W.B. Mikel. 2010. Effects of carbon dioxide and ozone treatments on the volatile composition and sensory quality of dry-cured ham. Journal of Food Science 75(5):C452-C458.  Download

Soni, K., and R. Nannapaneni. 2010. Removal of Listeria monocytogenes biofilms with Bacteriophage P100. Journal of Food Protection 73(8):1519-1524.  Download

Soni, K., R. Nannapaneni, M.W. Schilling, V.L. Jackson. 2010. Bactericidal activity of lauric arginate in milk and Queso Fresco cheese against Listeria monocytogenes cold growth. Journal of Dairy Science 93(10):4518-4525.  Download

Soni, K., R. Nannapaneni, S. Hagens. 2010. Reduction of Listeria monocytogenes on the surface of fresh channel catfish fillet tissue by bacteriophage listex P100. Foodborne Pathogens and Disease 7(4):427-434.  Download

Soni, K., R. Nannapaneni. 2010. Bacteriophage significantly reduces Listeria monocytogenes on raw salmon fillet tissue. Journal of Food Protection 73(1):32-38.  Download

Bryan, C.A., M.L. Sostrin, R. Nannapaneni, M.G. Johnson, S.C. Ricke, P.G. Crandall. 2009. Differential sensitivity of Listeria monocytogenes Scott A to nisin and diacetyl after a starvation in sodium phosphate buffered saline. Journal of Food Science 74:M493-M498.  Download

Heo, S.A., R. Nannapaneni, M.G. Johnson, J.S. Park, K.H. Seo. 2009. Production and characterization of a monoclonal antibody to Campylobacter jejuni. Journal of Food Protection 72:870-875. Download

Huff, G.R., V. Dutta, W.E. Huff, M.G. Johnson, R. Nannapaneni, R.J. Sayler. 2009. Co-infection of market-age turkeys with Escherichia coli and Listeria monocytogenes in two stress models. Avian Diseases 53(4):495-501.  Download

Nannapaneni, R., I. Hanning, K.C. Wiggins, R. Story, S.C. Ricke, M.G. Johnson. 2009. Ciprofloxacin-resistant Campylobacter persists in raw retail chicken after the fluoroquinolone ban. Food Additives and Contaminants 26(10):1348-1353.  Download

Nannapaneni, R., V.I. Chalova, P.G. Crandall, S.C. Ricke, M.G. Johnson, and C.A. O'Bryan. 2009. Campylobacter and Arcobacter species sensitivity to commercial orange oil fractions. International Journal of Food Microbiology 129(1):43-49.  Download

Nannapaneni, R., V.I. Chalova, R. Story, K.C. Wiggins, P.G. Crandall, S.C. Ricke, M.G. Johnson. 2009. Ciprofloxacin-sensitive and ciprofloxacin-resistant Campylobacter jejuni are equally susceptible to natural orange oil-based antimicrobials. Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part B 44(6):571-577.  Download

Dutta, V., G.R. Huff, W.E. Huff, M.G. Johnson, R. Nannapaneni, and R.J. Sayler. 2008. The effects of stress on respiratory disease and transient colonization of turkeys with Listeria monocytogenes Scott A. Avian Diseases 52:581-589. Download

Huff, G.R., W.E. Huff, V. Dutta, M.G. Johnson, and R. Nannapaneni. 2008. Pathogenicity of Listeria monocytogenes Scott A after oral and oculonasal challenges of day-old turkey poults. Avian Diseases 52(3):444-450. Download

Kannan, A., N. Hettiarachchy, M.G. Johnson, and R. Nannapaneni. 2008. Human colon and liver cancer cell proliferation inhibition by peptide hydrolysates derived from heat-stabilized defatted rice bran. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 56(24):11643-11647.  Download

Nannapaneni, R., A. Muthaiyan, P.G. Crandall, M.G. Johnson, C.A. O'Bryan, V.I. Chalova, T.R. Callaway, J.A. Carroll, J. Arthington, D.J. Nisbet, and S.C. Ricke. 2008. Antimicrobial activity of commercial citrus-based natural extracts against Escherichia coli O157:H7 isolates and mutant strains. Foodborne Pathogens and Disease 5(5):695-699. Download

Wesley, I.V., S. Larsen, H.S. Hurd, J.D. McKean, R. Griffith, F. Rivera, R. Nannapaneni, M.S. Cox, M.G. Johnson, D. Wagner, and M. de Martino. 2008. Low prevalence of Listeria monocytogenes in cull sows and pork. Journal of Food Protection, Vol. 71(3):545-549. Download


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